Sunday, September 5, 2010

Killing Me Softly With Kendrick

September 5:  Milwaukee 6, PHILLIES 2

For the second time in two weeks, Kyle Kendrick took to the mound knowing that the Braves had either lost their game earlier in the day, or were trailing, 6-1, as he took the mound.  And, for the second time in two weeks, he pitched poorly in a situation where the Phils stood to gain ground on the Braves.

In this case, he faltered with the Phils in a position to catch the Braves and move into a tie for first place, erasing what had been a seven-game deficit back in July.  I simply have one thing to say to Phillies management at this time:


There must be someone, anyone in the farm system who might be able to give a Marty Bystrom-like performance in the rotation during September.  And I don't necessarily mean that he has to go 5-0 with a 1.50 ERA like Bystrom did in 1980.  I just want someone who will go, say, 3-1 or so, and give us some quality innings, save the bullpen, and keep us in games, especially on nights when the Braves are losing (or have already lost).

Is it too much to ask of this guy to pitch like a big boy in big boy games?  He's quickly becoming a streak-stopper, and that's not gonna play well along the shores of the Delaware now that the remainder of the games are against divisional opponents.  It's even more critical this week, because the Braves play the Cardinals over the coming weekend, and there's a huge chance to not only gain ground, but maybe start putting some space between us and Atlanta.

And, for God's sake ... don't let him pitch against the Nationals.  Please.  Pretty please.  With a cheesesteak on top.  Keep Kendrick away from the Nationals.

I know, I know.  It's only a one-game deficit, and we still have six to play against the Braves.  But something tells me that Kyle Kendrick is going to impact this pennant race in a negative way before it's all over.  And if that means the wild card, and no chance of home-field advantage in the NLDS and NLCS, the road to a third straight pennant, and baseball immortality, just got a little tougher.

The Phils have been dipped in the waters of the River Styx.  Apparently, they let Kyle Kendrick hold them by the heel for the dunking.

Order up!

1 comment:

  1. The only thing good about Kendrick is his wife was on Survivor....three times!


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